Get the jump. Stories from the studio to help you get the
jump on business branding + design.

If you're not looking for it, you'll miss it.


The branding process is incredibly clarifying. You establish pillars that not only define the boundaries for the culture of your brand, but light the way for the future. Your dream evolves into a clear vision, which helps you to walk a straight and narrow path towards achieving it.

However, this does not mean that you can’t be open to receive guidance or opportunities that might help you achieve that vision in a slightly different way. If you’re not aware what to look for, or how to step outside yourself, you might be stagnating your own growth.

Watch now to learn why, and how you can step confidently towards your vision in a way that leaves you open to new opportunities.

If you haven’t got a clearly defined brand strategy that is guiding your every move in business, head on over to and get yourself on the waitlist to my signature brand foundation course, Brand Alchemy. Become the master of your own brand!

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How many colours do you need in your brand colour palette?


Choosing brand colours is one of the biggest barriers for new brands. Aligning yourself with just a handful of colours, and the pressure of making the ‘right’ decision is overwhelming! I totally get it. And it’s important! Colour has a profound effect on emotions and feelings, but can also be a useful tool to enhance recognition and memory. Get it wrong, and you could be sending your perfect customers running for the hills rather than attracting them like bees to honey.

My top three tips for choosing a colour palette

  1. Make sure you have a solid understanding of your ideal client’s feelings, barriers and motivations before creating your brand colour palette.
  2. Consider how you would like your audience to feel when they see your colour palette.
  3. DO NOT choose your brand colours based on personal preference. What appeals to you and your personality, may not be what woos your ideal client.

But then… HOW MANY colours are right for your brand? Is there a...

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Why do I need more than one type of logo?


Wait, WHAT?! You might have your logo already, you might not. Either way, don't be alarmed by the title of this episode. It's never too late to add items to your brand toolkit that are going to help you elevate and up-level your brand.

You might not even realise that you need more than one type of logo, or what the logo types are and what they're used for! In this episode, I'll tell you the danger in only having one type of logo, and what you need in your brand toolkit to make sure you’re prepared for any situation your marketing collateral requires of you!

Grab your pen and paper, because you’re going to want to brainstorm after listening to this episode.

If you're brand new to business and aren't even sure what your logo should be, or how to communicate your message clearly and confidently, head on over to Brand Alchemy to learn more about my signature brand foundation course. Sign up to the VIP waitlist while you're there to find out when the next course is...

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Where the heck do I put my logo?


So you have your shiny new brand toolkit, freshly downloaded from your designer and you're ready to start sprinkling your brandy joy all over your marketing collateral. But... wait... where the heck do you place your logo?! You start to second guess your self-taught design skills, your palms are sweaty and so you spend hours shuffling the darn thing around your Canva artboard until you give up and plonk it somewhere... anywhere!

I feel your pain lovely! You weren't gifted with stellar design skills when you signed up for this business gig. Listen to this episode and I'll set you on the straight and narrow as to where you can strategically place your logo for optimum recognition and retention.

Now, logo placement really does depend on the purpose and application of the marketing collateral in question, but this pro tip is specifically for promotional pieces and advertisements.

Enjoy! Rach x

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When in doubt, sketch it out


Have you ever sat in front of Canva, moving things around, swapping images from left to right, changing the size of your fonts, shifting your logo, deleting things only to add them back again… and then all of a sudden three hours has past?!

I’m going to give you one of the best design hacks that I was taught very early in my university degree. It will save you time, and help you purge all of your rubbish ideas to make sure that time dedicated to Canva is intentional and productive.

Love this tip? Hang out for next week when I’ll be sharing more practical DIY design tips to keep your brand looking professional and shmick.

DM me on Instagram to let me know if you loved this tip and if you’ll use it?

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The best gift you can give the rebranding process.

branding rebranding Mar 01, 2021

At some stage in your business journey, it will become inevitable that rebranding (or branding, as the case may be) is on the cards for you. No doubt, once you get over the fear and uncertainty associated with taking such bold step, you will be super excited to get started! This is completely natural, and something I experience often when I chat with potential clients about my process and how I can help them.

I want to give your brand the BEST chance of success, to avoid the excruciatingly real possibility of having to rebrand again, and again, and again... until you feel 100% aligned with your brand direction and how it is being communicated.

Watch episode 17 of The Weekly Takeaway to discover the best gift you can give the rebranding process, to achieve the highest level of clarity and present a powerful, impactful brand that feels 100% aligned to attract your perfect customers.

Send me a DM on Instagram @hopscotchbrandingstudio if this message was helpful to you.


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Your free Branding Success Blueprint.

Six steps to an irresistible brand that attracts a steady flow of perfect customers.