Get the jump. Stories from the studio to help you get the
jump on business branding + design.

Three ways to keep your brand healthy through uncertain times

I’m here to sprinkle a little sunshine on your day. Although there is so much uncertainty, unease and upheaval circulating our business community at the moment, it’s not ALL doom and gloom. Even if your business is temporarily stalled, you CAN keep your brand healthy through uncertain times.

Some businesses are temporarily closing for the greater good, and the amazing people behind those businesses have my heartfelt gratitude for their selflessness and sacrifice.

Others have cut off their core service or product offering in favour of entirely different substitutes that still fill the needs of their customers, and these businesses deserve a medal for bravery!

There are some very brave souls who are pivoting quickly, adapting to the current climate either temporarily or for the long term. The inspiring owners of these businesses deserve our support and a massive pat on the back for thinking outside the box.

Some businesses are seemingly unaffected, but are perhaps feeling...

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Three ways to connect with your perfect customer.


Cold, hard truth. No matter how good your product or service is, or how finely tuned it is, or how incredibly pretty it is…

90% of business is sales and marketing.

Ever wonder why so many small businesses fail? This is it. Brilliant marketing drives sales. Half-hearted marketing = business failure. Why? Because a) nobody is seeing your product or service or b) the right people aren’t seeing your product or service. It’s as simple as that.

People will simply not purchase from you unless you are perceived in their heart and mind as trustworthy. This takes time, intentional steps and a perfectly aligned brand strategy. The first step is connection. So today I’d love to share with you three ways you can connect with your perfect customer.

Are you ready to truly connect with your perfect customers?

Join me for my Brand Revival challenge! Cultivate brand loyalty in your audience, in just five days. Reconnect with your audience, instigate meaningful relationships...

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Your free Branding Success Blueprint.

Six steps to an irresistible brand that attracts a steady flow of perfect customers.