Get the jump. Stories from the studio to help you get the
jump on business branding + design.

How to find your perfect logo designer

Find your perfect logo designer

Wondering how to find your perfect logo designer? Here are four simple steps to finding a trustworthy designer (and avoid having your logo stolen!).

Recently I shared a conversation I’d had with a lady who had had her logo stolen and presented to another business owner as an original logo concept, that she actually paid a designer for! Craaaaazy, right?! Think it won’t happen to you?

Truth be told, I hear stories similar to this ALL. THE. TIME. So, as promised, here are some simple tips on how to find a trustworthy logo designer who will create an original logo for your biz-baby.

  1. Ask for recommendations for graphic designers, branding designers or illustrators who specialise in logo design

Chat to your friends in business who have STELLAR logos and/or branding identities. All the better if they’re in a similar industry and align with your own target audience. Please, please, please avoid Fiverr, DesignCrowd and other overseas...

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How to choose the right logo for your business.

How do I choose the right logo?

So, what exactly IS a logo and why do you need one? What do all of the different types mean and how do you choose the right logo for your brand? Read on my friends…

Logotypes, logos, alternate logos, sub-logos, logomarks (I could actually go on here). It is all pretty confusing, right?! Since when did it get so complicated? 

Let’s start at the very beginning, it’s a very good place to start (thanks Maria – I knew The Sound of Music would come in handy at some point in my life!). As we all know, a brand is not a logo (more on this here). The word ‘logo’ has become an affectionate term for the word ‘logotype’. A logotype is basically customised lettering used to represent a brand name (‘Logos’ is Greek for ‘word’). So when people refer to a logo, they’re actually talking about a visual device used to identify a brand. It can be a symbol, icon, illustration, character,...

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What is a brand? It’s not your logo.

It is a common misconception that your brand is simply your logo, especially for those just starting their journey into biz-life. A logo certainly helps to create a visual reference for your brand, along with consistent fonts, colour palette, imagery, patterns, illustrations, brand elements and textures. But your brand is anything that is seen, heard, felt, read or perceived about your business. Anything! Some examples include your shopfront, website, business cards, flyers and even what someone else is saying about your business!

With that in mind, creating a visual branding identity that shoots cupid’s arrow straight into the heart of your ideal client is a confident step to creating consistency and control over emotions and feelings evoked by your brand.

Think about what your brand is saying, and how it makes you feel.

  • What’s the clear image that your brand is portraying?
  • What specific message is your brand sending?
  • Does it appear professional and honest?
  • What about...
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There’s more to branding than you think


Have you always thought of your branding as your logo, colours and fonts? If you answered yes, then this episode is going to blow your mind! Perhaps you have these things in place, but still feel like something is missing? You can’t quite put your finger on it, but you struggle to communicate your brand in a way that feels authentic and aligned.

Part of the process of branding is to establish strong foundations so that you can translate your message with confidence through your marketing. Watch this episode to discover what’s missing from your brand.

P.S. I’m opening the doors to my signature brand foundation course, Brand Alchemy on Monday 28 June. To celebrate I’m hosting a free masterclass!

3 Secrets to Fast Track Your Branding Success – even if you’re new to business!

Accelerate your brand growth, and become a magnet for sales.

Learn the exact formula I used to grow my 6-figure brand and the ...

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Good vs. bad branding


Have you ever judged another business’ branding? Subconsciously, we are always judging, assessing and processing the messages we receive, whether they are visual, verbal or subliminal. It’s how we differentiate one brand from another, and figure out whether or not what they’re offering is right for us.

But when it comes to your own brand, how do you know if what you’re currently doing to portray your brand is good or bad?

Watch this episode as I compare the traits that might affect how your brand is perceived (whether good or bad!).

P.S. I’m opening the doors to my signature brand foundation course, Brand Alchemy on Monday 28 June. To celebrate I’m hosting a free masterclass!

3 Secrets to Fast Track Your Branding Success – even if you’re new to business!

Accelerate your brand growth, and become a magnet for sales.

Learn the exact formula I used to grow my 6-figure brand and the ...

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Focus on the one right thing.


Do you suffer from shiny object syndrome? If you’re creative, driven and entrepreneurial-minded, most likely the answer is YES!

You might have even had some experience following a path that looked so bright and promising at the time, only to realise that you’re stuck at a dead end, further away from your vision than when you first started out. Relate?

If you’re distracted by opportunities, offers or collaborations that aren’t in alignment with where you need to be heading, this episode is for you!

Watch now to find out what you need to focus on to grow your brand faster!

Are you ready to cast a crystal clear business vision and establish a rock solid brand foundation that guides your every business move?  My signature brand foundation course, Brand Alchemy, is opening for enrolments soon! Come on over and join the waitlist for special perks!


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Three ways to find confidence in business.


Lean in close. Your business will never be successful without this one thing: confidence.

Why? Well, let’s go for a little meander in your perfect customer’s shoes. Let’s just say he or she is comparing your brand with another, considering which purchase is going to be most beneficial, with the lowest risk possible. It’s pretty simple really.

Without confidence:

  • How can your potential customers trust you?
  • How can they possibly feel confident in what you’re offering if you’re not exuding confidence yourself?
  • Your brand is weak and hesitant.

With confidence:

  • It’s obviously you believe in your product or service.
  • You can clearly communicate why your brand is trustworthy.
  • You help minimise feelings of risk, and your confidence overflows into your potential customers making purchasing a no-brainer.

But when you’re new to this business game, it’s hard to develop that confidence, right? I get it. I’m here to help you achieve...

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Why marketing is fruitless without branding.


One of the most confusing things when you start your business is marketing.

  • Where do you start?
  • Where do you focus your efforts?
  • What types of content do you create?

Often this is such an overwhelming task, that branding falls by the wayside, discarded until you can wrap your head around it. So you tick the logo box, and off you go.

Sound familiar?

In actual fact, marketing your business is fruitless without meaningful brand strategy.

Watch this episode to find out why, and how branding and marketing work together harmoniously to attract those perfectly aligned customers that you’re craving.

Are you ready to (finally) pin down your brand strategy and unravel the confusing mess that your marketing has become, so that your brand sparkles with consistency? My signature brand foundation course, Brand Alchemy, is opening for enrolments soon! Come on over and join the waitlist for special perks!


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Three ways to connect with your perfect customer.


Cold, hard truth. No matter how good your product or service is, or how finely tuned it is, or how incredibly pretty it is…

90% of business is sales and marketing.

Ever wonder why so many small businesses fail? This is it. Brilliant marketing drives sales. Half-hearted marketing = business failure. Why? Because a) nobody is seeing your product or service or b) the right people aren’t seeing your product or service. It’s as simple as that.

People will simply not purchase from you unless you are perceived in their heart and mind as trustworthy. This takes time, intentional steps and a perfectly aligned brand strategy. The first step is connection. So today I’d love to share with you three ways you can connect with your perfect customer.

Are you ready to truly connect with your perfect customers?

Join me for my Brand Revival challenge! Cultivate brand loyalty in your audience, in just five days. Reconnect with your audience, instigate meaningful relationships...

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What is brand loyalty, really?


I’m on a mission to simply marketing jargon so that you can understand it in a way that makes it easy for you to implement easy, achievable strategies. This week, I’m chatting about brand loyalty. I’m answering these questions:

  • What is brand loyalty?
  • How do you identify your brand advocates?
  • And how can you encourage brand loyalty in your audience?

Are you ready to amplify brand loyalty?

Join me for my Brand Revival challenge! Cultivate brand loyalty in your audience, in just five days. Reconnect with your audience, instigate meaningful relationships and increase visibility for your brand!

I'll join you in your inbox every morning from 17 - 21 May with daily brand juice and a done-for-you [copy + paste] script to share on Facebook, Instagram, or wherever your audience is lurking.

So shake off those cobwebs and inhibitions, and let's start cultivating brand loyalty in your audience! Oh and it's zero dollars my friend.


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Struggling to DIY your marketing graphics?

The Design Code

Insider secrets to elevate your marketing graphics... that professional graphic designers don’t want you to know!