Brand Lover with Rachel Reiter

Brand Lover with Rachel Reiter

Hosted by: Rachel Reiter

Honest, real and lively conversations for flourishing entrepreneurs and budding business owners on a mission to cultivate a heartfelt brand that connects with their purpose driven mission. Brand Lover is a guiding...

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Ep 127. Stand out with sensory branding

In a world where the main gripe of online business owners is the battle to be noticed, it’s imperative to start thinking outside the box. Building a sought-after, lovable brand is a slow burn, not a viral shortcut. If...
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Ep 126. How to align your message with Catherine James

Words and visuals go together like cheese and Vegemite. Hand in hand, they paint a clear picture and weave a tale that should be as enticing as a steaming cup of tea on a cold, wintry day. So when I met Catherine...
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Ep 125. How to request branding feedback

Asking for feedback is crucial. Whether you’re validating a business idea, seeking a response to an idea or new concept, or simply conducting market research, feedback from the right (or wrong) people has the power to...
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Ep 124. The human aversion to change

Rebranding, whilst often the thing holding you back from reaching the next level in your business, can be a VERY daunting process. Because it’s not just about changing your logo or colour palette. It’s deeper than...
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Ep 123. Style your way to brand confidence with Stephanie Vaughan

Anything that can help boost brand confidence gets a bit tick from me. As small business owners, wives, mothers, and everything in between
 our wardrobe or “sense of style” may be neglected. But we all know how a...
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Ep 122. The lazy guide to branding

I’m not calling you lazy. Not really. But let’s be honest. All any business owner wants is to have as much impact as possible with as little effort as possible. It’s part of our human psyche. And if you’re new to...
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Ep 121. Fight the algorithm with an Instasite – Tori Kopke

Tori Kopke is a Rural Business Coach combining proven strategies with a twist of innovation. She loves to help business owners find realistic and achievable growth solutions - especially businesses in the Aussie bush....
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Ep 120. Personal vs business brand – Hannah Willsmore

Hannah Willsmore is a Registered/Endorsed Midwife, IBCLC and award-winning childbirth educator. She is also the Founder of Held Midwifery - a private midwifery practice here in Adelaide, South Australia. Recently,...
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Ep 119. Should I put my prices on my website?

This is the age old question for service based business owners. The answer can feel a little foggy, and is highly dependent on your own business goals. There is no clear cut solution. So today I’m sharing the pros and...
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Ep 118. Design for websites vs print

REMINDER: Sign up for my free masterclass happening this Friday 3 May! đŸ‘‰đŸ»Â  With more and more business owners “wearing all the hats” in their businesses, including that of graphic...
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Ep 117. Narrow down to expand

Most business owners think they have pinned down their target audience and what they want to be known for. But I guarantee even you can narrow down even further. The online market is at the point now where it is SO...
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Ep 116. 3 ways to leverage your rebrand

One of the biggest mindset hurdles you need to overcome if you know in your heart that a rebrand is on the cards
 is the actual practical flow on effect of it all. You know when you WANT to do something, but you don’t...
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Your free Branding Success Blueprint.

Six steps to an irresistible brand that attracts a steady flow of perfect customers.