That sounds absurd, right?!
First of all, whatever would possess a child to spend their time doing such a thing?
What made her believe it would actually work?
How did she know what steps to take?
I remember attempting a similar feat as a child. I stuck a seed in a pot of water for about two months. Guess what happened? Unsurprisingly, it turned a vomit-worthy hue of green, slimy and stinky, and I distinctly remember the shriek of my mother finding such a tragic specimen in my bedroom.
But back to my green-thumbed daughters’ propagation success.
During the final few weeks of the school term last year, she randomly asked me, “Mum, can I please use an avocado seed to try and grow a tree?” (internally high-fiving myself at this point for her impeccable manners). Remembering my own such experiments as a child, I thought,...
It is a common misconception that your brand is simply your logo, especially for those just starting their journey into biz-life. A logo certainly helps to create a visual reference for your brand, along with consistent fonts, colour palette, imagery, patterns, illustrations, brand elements and textures. But your brand is anything that is seen, heard, felt, read or perceived about your business. Anything! Some examples include your shopfront, website, business cards, flyers and even what someone else is saying about your business!
With that in mind, creating a visual branding identity that shoots cupid’s arrow straight into the heart of your ideal client is a confident step to creating consistency and control over emotions and feelings evoked by your brand.
One of the most confusing things when you start your business is marketing.
Often this is such an overwhelming task, that branding falls by the wayside, discarded until you can wrap your head around it. So you tick the logo box, and off you go.
Sound familiar?
In actual fact, marketing your business is fruitless without meaningful brand strategy.
Watch this episode to find out why, and how branding and marketing work together harmoniously to attract those perfectly aligned customers that you’re craving.
Are you ready to (finally) pin down your brand strategy and unravel the confusing mess that your marketing has become, so that your brand sparkles with consistency? My signature brand foundation course, Brand Alchemy, is opening for enrolments soon! Come on over and join the waitlist for special perks!