Get the jump. Stories from the studio to help you get the
jump on business branding + design.

What do an avocado seed and your brand have in common?

My 10 year old daughter grew an avocado tree from a seed of a bulk pack of avocadoes I bought from Aldi.

That sounds absurd, right?!

First of all, whatever would possess a child to spend their time doing such a thing?

What made her believe it would actually work?

How did she know what steps to take? 

I remember attempting a similar feat as a child. I stuck a seed in a pot of water for about two months. Guess what happened? Unsurprisingly, it turned a vomit-worthy hue of green, slimy and stinky, and I distinctly remember the shriek of my mother finding such a tragic specimen in my bedroom.

But back to my green-thumbed daughters’ propagation success.

The process of propagating Benny

During the final few weeks of the school term last year, she randomly asked me, “Mum, can I please use an avocado seed to try and grow a tree?” (internally high-fiving myself at this point for her impeccable manners). Remembering my own such experiments as a child, I thought,...

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Plant the seed, or it won't grow.


Are you afraid to start your business? Are you scared to try a new offer or product? Have you been putting it off because you’re not sure if it will sell? Worried about taking the leap? This one’s for you.

Imagine if you channelled all that energy you’re using just thinking about it, into actually putting it out there!?

You will never, ever know, if you never, ever try.

Watch this episode for a fresh perspective on becoming the person you WANT to be, with the brand you crave for.

I’d love to hear if this message resonated with you! Send me a DM on Instagram by clicking here – I’d love to hear from you!

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Love the ones you're with.


Are you tired of chasing followers, putting all your energy into attracting new eyeballs and trying to be something you’re not just to grow your audience?

Building and cultivating a brand is not just about growing your audience. Yes, you need an audience, but it is by no means the size of that audience that is going to help you nurture a brand reputation that translates into quality leads and sales.

Watch this episode to find out what you SHOULD be doing to foster a brand that is a magnet for your perfect customers.

Love this episode? I’d love to hear from you! Come say hi on Instagram by clicking here.

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Your free Branding Success Blueprint.

Six steps to an irresistible brand that attracts a steady flow of perfect customers.