Get the jump. Stories from the studio to help you get the
jump on business branding + design.

The scariest thing about rebranding

The biggest mental hurdle business owners struggle with in regards to the dreaded "R" word (h'rm... "rebranding") is the enormity of transition and fear of change.

My response to these anxious thoughts is always: "Is your current visual brand going to take you to the next level in your business?" And usually the answer becomes quite clear.

"What if my audience/clients don't recognise the new name/look?"

I'm  not here to sugar coat. You will need to invest time and care educating your audience, customers and clients about the change. But it's entirely possible to celebrate your rebrand WITH them, rather than scare them off (I can show you how).

"What if I invest a huge puddle of money into a rebrand only to be disappointed with the result?"

If you choose the right brand designer, who specialises in strategic visual brand design; who you gel with; who gets your vision; and whose previous work you love the look of... you will 100% not have a problem. Too many designers will spit...

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Ready to rebrand? Your questions answered

Ready to rebrand? Your questions answered.

Are you ready to rebrand? Not sure? Does the word ‘rebrand’ trigger a racing heart, sweaty palms, a dizzy sense of overwhelm and the desire to run for the hills? Deep in your heart, if this is your response then you probably know that rebranding is on the cards. If your business is growing into more than a hobby, and you know that you’ve outgrown your DIY or budget-friendly visual branding, then rebranding is most likely inevitable. I’ve asked my Hopscotch family what their questions and concerns are when it comes to knowing if they are ready to rebrand, and compiled the top ones here for you.

  1. One of the hardest parts is that it takes time to get it right, particularly if you’re picky. It’s hard to know how honest to be in the feedback process because sometimes designers miss the mark.

    If you find a visual branding designer who truly understands your brand, what you’re aiming to achieve and who you...
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What is a brand? It’s not your logo.

It is a common misconception that your brand is simply your logo, especially for those just starting their journey into biz-life. A logo certainly helps to create a visual reference for your brand, along with consistent fonts, colour palette, imagery, patterns, illustrations, brand elements and textures. But your brand is anything that is seen, heard, felt, read or perceived about your business. Anything! Some examples include your shopfront, website, business cards, flyers and even what someone else is saying about your business!

With that in mind, creating a visual branding identity that shoots cupid’s arrow straight into the heart of your ideal client is a confident step to creating consistency and control over emotions and feelings evoked by your brand.

Think about what your brand is saying, and how it makes you feel.

  • What’s the clear image that your brand is portraying?
  • What specific message is your brand sending?
  • Does it appear professional and honest?
  • What about...
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How many colours do you need in your brand colour palette?


Choosing brand colours is one of the biggest barriers for new brands. Aligning yourself with just a handful of colours, and the pressure of making the ‘right’ decision is overwhelming! I totally get it. And it’s important! Colour has a profound effect on emotions and feelings, but can also be a useful tool to enhance recognition and memory. Get it wrong, and you could be sending your perfect customers running for the hills rather than attracting them like bees to honey.

My top three tips for choosing a colour palette

  1. Make sure you have a solid understanding of your ideal client’s feelings, barriers and motivations before creating your brand colour palette.
  2. Consider how you would like your audience to feel when they see your colour palette.
  3. DO NOT choose your brand colours based on personal preference. What appeals to you and your personality, may not be what woos your ideal client.

But then… HOW MANY colours are right for your brand? Is there a...

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Why do I need more than one type of logo?


Wait, WHAT?! You might have your logo already, you might not. Either way, don't be alarmed by the title of this episode. It's never too late to add items to your brand toolkit that are going to help you elevate and up-level your brand.

You might not even realise that you need more than one type of logo, or what the logo types are and what they're used for! In this episode, I'll tell you the danger in only having one type of logo, and what you need in your brand toolkit to make sure you’re prepared for any situation your marketing collateral requires of you!

Grab your pen and paper, because you’re going to want to brainstorm after listening to this episode.

If you're brand new to business and aren't even sure what your logo should be, or how to communicate your message clearly and confidently, head on over to Brand Alchemy to learn more about my signature brand foundation course. Sign up to the VIP waitlist while you're there to find out when the next course is...

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The best gift you can give the rebranding process.

branding rebranding Mar 01, 2021

At some stage in your business journey, it will become inevitable that rebranding (or branding, as the case may be) is on the cards for you. No doubt, once you get over the fear and uncertainty associated with taking such bold step, you will be super excited to get started! This is completely natural, and something I experience often when I chat with potential clients about my process and how I can help them.

I want to give your brand the BEST chance of success, to avoid the excruciatingly real possibility of having to rebrand again, and again, and again... until you feel 100% aligned with your brand direction and how it is being communicated.

Watch episode 17 of The Weekly Takeaway to discover the best gift you can give the rebranding process, to achieve the highest level of clarity and present a powerful, impactful brand that feels 100% aligned to attract your perfect customers.

Send me a DM on Instagram @hopscotchbrandingstudio if this message was helpful to you.


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Your free Branding Success Blueprint.

Six steps to an irresistible brand that attracts a steady flow of perfect customers.