Get the jump. Stories from the studio to help you get the
jump on business branding + design.

Are you scared of selling?


Do you get the heeby jeebies when it’s time to start selling your products or services? Does imposter syndrome creep in, and that mean girl on your shoulder starts shouting that nobody is ever going to want what you’re selling? You’re not alone my friend.

Do you get embarrassed when somebody asks to see your website? Or do you feel nervous at the idea of a discovery call?

Let me help you reframe ’selling’ so that you’ll be flaunting your offer with confidence in no time.

Part of establishing your brand strategy is becoming comfortable selling, with a heart of service. If you know deep down that you have more to offer, but you’re not feeling confident that you’re reaching your customers in the right way, or you are lost for words when somebody asks you to tell them more about your product or service, it’s time to get intimate with your brand! Head on over to Brand Alchemy to learn more about my signature brand foundation...

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Love the ones you're with.


Are you tired of chasing followers, putting all your energy into attracting new eyeballs and trying to be something you’re not just to grow your audience?

Building and cultivating a brand is not just about growing your audience. Yes, you need an audience, but it is by no means the size of that audience that is going to help you nurture a brand reputation that translates into quality leads and sales.

Watch this episode to find out what you SHOULD be doing to foster a brand that is a magnet for your perfect customers.

Love this episode? I’d love to hear from you! Come say hi on Instagram by clicking here.

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Your free Branding Success Blueprint.

Six steps to an irresistible brand that attracts a steady flow of perfect customers.