I learned this the hard way (and, honestly, I’m still learning). Recently, as I navigated a business funk (read all about it and how I fixed it here), I let a bunch of negative thoughts take over my usually hopeful and optimistic attitude.
It happened slowly… slowly… slowly… until suddenly, I was telling myself my work sucked, my business sucked, I had no time for anything, and I might as well just give up altogether. My habits and rituals changed, and I felt like I was living in the depths of despair (probably a bit dramatic, but hey, I love a good excuse to quote Anne of Green Gables). I threw myself a massive pity-party for one. Even though I was going through the motions in my business, internally, I have to admit…
I stopped trying.
Until I got so sick of hearing myself (in my head)…
I’m no expert, but I’m pretty sure we...
It hit me like a pungent waft of bourbon and coke. I had itchy feet.
For months I’d been feeling so lost in my business. Oh-so-befuddlingly-lost. It’s happened before, so I wasn’t in panic mode yet. But usually I can pinpoint the exact reason I’ve lost momentum, motivation or energy for all running my branding studio entails. And once I’ve done that, the fog clears and the pathway is illuminated once more. Peace is restored and my very patient husband can breathe a sigh of relief.
This time was different. It felt eerie, and disconcerting. And it went on for months.
Just between us, for the first time in 14 years, I tentatively dipped my toe into “job hunting” (I use quote marks here because really, who was I kidding?). Now obviously, there are always going to be external factors that influence our overall business experience, such as market changes, the doom-and-gloom...
Do you get the heeby jeebies when it’s time to start selling your products or services? Does imposter syndrome creep in, and that mean girl on your shoulder starts shouting that nobody is ever going to want what you’re selling? You’re not alone my friend.
Do you get embarrassed when somebody asks to see your website? Or do you feel nervous at the idea of a discovery call?
Let me help you reframe ’selling’ so that you’ll be flaunting your offer with confidence in no time.
Part of establishing your brand strategy is becoming comfortable selling, with a heart of service. If you know deep down that you have more to offer, but you’re not feeling confident that you’re reaching your customers in the right way, or you are lost for words when somebody asks you to tell them more about your product or service, it’s time to get intimate with your brand! Head on over to Brand Alchemy to learn more about my signature brand foundation...
Are you afraid to start your business? Are you scared to try a new offer or product? Have you been putting it off because you’re not sure if it will sell? Worried about taking the leap? This one’s for you.
Imagine if you channelled all that energy you’re using just thinking about it, into actually putting it out there!?
You will never, ever know, if you never, ever try.
Watch this episode for a fresh perspective on becoming the person you WANT to be, with the brand you crave for.
I’d love to hear if this message resonated with you! Send me a DM on Instagram by clicking here – I’d love to hear from you!