Ep 123. Style your way to brand confidence with Stephanie Vaughan

Anything that can help boost brand confidence gets a bit tick from me. As small business owners, wives, mothers, and everything in between… our wardrobe or “sense of style” may be neglected. But we all know how a beautiful dress, a favourite lippy, or a flattering pair of jeans can impact how we feel on any particular day. So it makes perfect sense that discovering your unique personal style, and investing in your wardrobe can not just impact how you show up for yourself, but also for your business.

In this podcast episode, I chat to personal stylist, Stephanie Vaughan from Infinite Styling about how to style your way to brand confidence (even if you’re in a wardrobe crisis!). Stephanie is a wife, mum to three young adults, personal stylist and committed coffee lover (love that)! In 2013, she decided to turn her passion for styling into her career and has been helping women find and fall in love with their personal style ever since.

I loved chatting with Stephanie, because it really shone a light on how many women are living with an “it will do” attitude to their personal style and clothing choices, not truly realising the impact that carefully chosen pieces can have on their energy and overall confidence. We all know how intimidating it is to consistently show up vulnerably online to market our businesses, but with Stephanie’s help you’ll be digging yourself out of your wardrobe blues and skipping your way to confident dressing in no time.

Find Stephanie Vaughan on Instagram or head straight to her website.

 Click here to listen on: YouTube


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