Ep 116. 3 ways to leverage your rebrand

One of the biggest mindset hurdles you need to overcome if you know in your heart that a rebrand is on the cards… is the actual practical flow on effect of it all. You know when you WANT to do something, but you don’t know HOW to do it… it usually puts you off, right? So you either procrastinate, deleting it off your list, or constantly shoving it to the bottom. But all this is doing is either stagnating your growth, or even worse, sending you on a backwards trajectory. And the longer you leave it, the harder it gets. Because the more marketing collateral you create, the longer your “brand” trail becomes. And not only that, the more familiar people become with your existing, non-aligned branding.

Most often, everything comes to a head, or there is a catalyst that forces you to FINALLY make the decision to bite the bullet and commit to a rebrand. Once you make that decision, not only will you feel lighter, but you’ll be determined to make it work.

And when you have a clear pathway with an action plan of how to pull it off, and it all makes sense in your mind, it feels more achievable. 

So if you’re at that point, or *almost* at that point, first I want to congratulate you. 

And second, I’m going to give you the exact steps I share with my 1:1 clients to not only successfully pull off a rebrand so your audience comes onboard to cheer you on rather than scratch their heads in doubt… but also LEVERAGE your rebrand to have the most impact possible… including a cashflow injection!

So let’s wrap your head around the HOW with three tips to leverage your rebrand.

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🎁 FREE ONLINE TRAINING: DESIGN SECRETS! Insider tricks of the trade to design wow-worthy marketing collateral... even if you don't have a creative bone in your body. 

Friday 3 May //  10-11ACST

This session is 100% free to you,  sponsored by The Branding Hub so head to to save your seat!


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