Ep 96. How to win hearts and influence consumer behaviour

Have you ever felt completely rejected and disheartened by someone unfollowing your Instagram account, unsubscribing from your email list or declining a proposal to work with you? Me too lovely. It sucks!

Honestly, this is one of the toughest things that heart aligned business owners have to wrap their heads around. Because fear of rejection is simply human nature. We all long to be accepted and loved. It’s in our DNA. And when your brand is close to your heart, business rejection can feel exactly the same as being picked last for a sports team in primary school.

When you’ve only just started growing your social media accounts, and one person unfollows, it can feel like a personal attack. I get it. But it’s not. Rationally, I know you know this, but that doesn’t stop those inner demon voices swooping in to kick you while you’re down.

It’s time to pause, zoom out and take a strategic look at the “why” behind consumers’ choices, so you can have a better understanding of:

1. How to process “rejections” in business quickly and easily

2. Grasp the exact influences that come into play when customers make their decisions

3. Appeal to their emotions and address their objections or barriers pre-emptively, to make more sales and help more people!

Listen to this episode to gain insight into the four steps of the purchase decision process, and the key influences to help you win the hearts of your ideal customers and influence their consumer behaviour (in your favour!).

Listen to this episode to gain insight into the four steps of the purchase decision process, and the key influences to help you win the hearts of your ideal customers and influence their consumer behaviour (in your favour!).

The Branding Hub is welcoming new members!

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