Ep 88. To Thread or not to Thread?

In case you’ve been living under a rock, or tucked away at a silent retreat in the Snowy Mountains… the new Threads social networking app in a nutshell, is Zuckerburg’s answer to Twitter. And if you’re anything like me, that means nothing to you. Because I’ve never been on Twitter. Personally I’m a bit old fashioned when it comes to social media and prefer to keep my distractions to a minimum.

However, from a brand opportunity point of view curiosity got the better of me.

All of a sudden in the blink of an eye last week, we were seeing Threads conversations pasted into IG stories. And we wanted to be part of it. Over 100 million of us in fact!

FOMO is powerful my friends, but so is peer pressure. So if you’re still on the fence, chances are you might be feeling like the kid who didn’t get invited to the birthday party. Or maybe the shy one who was invited but isn’t sure if they’ll like it?

Listen to this episode for my personal experience with Threads, and how I think it will offer a new dimension to your brand personality.

Brand Alchemy LIVE is coming soon!

If you need a helping hand in establishing a rock solid brand foundation for your new venture, I’m very excited to announce that I’ll soon be running a LIVE round of my signature program, Brand Alchemy. I’ll reveal the exact dates soon, but in the meantime, 👉🏻click here to get yourself on the VIP waitlist👈🏻 to receive first access and extra goodies from me when the doors open.

Click here to listen on: YouTube


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