Ep 43. Avoid these 3 branding mistakes

Tune in for 3 of the biggest mistakes I see new business owners make over and over again… and it breaks my heart to see them do so because they’re unknowingly damaging the very brand they’re trying to build. I love seeing new businesses thrive, marketing their products or services with confidence, knowing they’re showing up in just the right way to attract the right people with ease. And I want that for you!

But why should you care about your brand and the image you’re sending out there to communicate your offer?

Because, despite what some might say, FIRST IMPRESSIONS COUNT. 

Just about every industry these days is saturated. There are more businesses (particularly ONLINE businesses) being started than ever before! What does that mean for you? Your IMPACT needs to be as strong as it possibly can be. The way you’re evoking feeling and emotion in your audience needs to be on point, because that’s what’s going to spur them into action.

Your brand needs to stand out, IN THE RIGHT WAY to ensure you’re capturing the hearts of the right people, who will fall in love with your product or service right away.

Tune in to learn how to avoid the 3 biggest mistakes new business owners make in the early stages of establishing their brand, so that you can avoid them and build a thriving brand!

Sign up to my FREE interactive workshop, Brand Camp! The unmissable interactive workshop for young businesses ready to make an impact with an irresistible brand. Register here:

P.S Click here to watch on YouTube


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Six steps to an irresistible brand that attracts a steady flow of perfect customers.